GPS – Complex Needs

The Guiding Partnerships and Solutions (GPS) – Complex Needs Program addresses the needs of children and youth with complex needs, including those with a dual diagnosis (a developmental disorder and mental health diagnosis).


Quick Facts

  • For families with a child or youth aged 0 to 18 years  with a complex mental health challenge or dual diagnosis.
  • Support is provided in-home, school, and/or within the community.
  • Program is offered through the Upper Paradise site.
  • Referrals are required via Contact Hamilton.

About the Program

The GPS – Complex Needs Program addresses the needs of children and youth with complex needs, including those with a dual diagnosis (a developmental disorder and mental health diagnosis).

GPS – Complex Needs is provided in conjunction with its service partners. This includes the Lynwood Charlton Centre providing Behaviour Management support, Case Management and family support, and Rygiel Supports for Community Living providing coordination of accommodation options, including respite supports.

The focus of the Behaviour Management support is to provide intensive support to families and their children/youth. The support can be provided in-home, school, and/or within the community.

The Case Management Service provides support for parents in coordinating services, navigating the service system, and in assisting with transitioning between services.

These services are also available to children and youth who may be returning from an out-of-home placement, or who are at risk of an out-of-home placement.


Referrals to the GPS – Complex Needs Program may be made by calling Contact Hamilton at 905-570-8888.

Contact Hamilton is the single point of access for children and youth services in the Hamilton area.

Program Location

  • Upper Paradise Site
  • 526 Upper Paradise,
    Hamilton, ON, L9C 5E3
  • 905-389-1361

Program Objective

The program’s objective is to deliver an intensive service to children and youth with either a dual diagnosis, or complex mental health needs. The service model includes a process of planned, multidimensional, community based services and informal supports.

Clinical Resources

The team can call on an array of clinical resources, including a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Occupational Therapist, FASD consultant, Clinical Assessments and Measures, and Complex Needs consultant.